Assistant Director of Alumni Relations

Assistant Director of Alumni Relation speaks at Communication Society

By: Steve Wagstaff

Kathleen Brown, Communication Professor

On April 14, the Communication Society hosted a presentation by Bryant professor Kathleen Brown in  Nick’s Place in the Bryant Center. Brown, a Communication professor, spoke about how she became the Assistant Director of Alumni Relations. Brown, who graduated Emmanuel College, received a degree in Communications and Politics and Law, also minored in Performing Arts.

Brown also discussed her work history. She worked at Hasbro, where she was in charge of putting together toy sets at various trade shows and has always had a passion for non-profit organizations. This led her to New York, where she got a job event planning.

While Brown was working to get her Master’s degree in Communication, she worked as a professor at Bryant and the University of Rhode Island. She said that working at Bryant allowed her to display all her skills and abilities in communication.

Part of her discussion was inviting the audience to discuss their career aspirations and tailoring her stories and advice to those aspirations. She is definitely well rounded in the Communication field, allowing for her to have words of wisdom to share with almost everyone there. She also invited members of the audience to an upcoming alumni networking event, a great opportunity for anyone hoping to obtain a job or internship in the near future.

Who:  Kathleen Brown

When:  Friday April 14th at 5:00 pm
Where: Bryant University, at Nick’s Place in the Bryant Center
What:  A Discussion about her Career in Communication

Hosted By:  Communication Society

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